Great Horned Owls Nest in February
Dear Friend of Nature:
"In February Great Horned Owls are already sitting on eggs in their large nests. You may have heard their Hoo Hoo Hoo calls, loud and clear, back and forth on calm nights in January as they prepare for egg laying.
"GH Owls will often use an old Red-tail Hawk or squirrel Great Horned Owl nest. Soon, use binoculars to check these large nests in wooded areas during the day to see if Great Horned Owls are nesting there. The female will be sitting low in the nest, her head up, ear tufts sticking up to look like cat ears! She will sit in the nest on her eggs for about 35 days.
“About 3 weeks after hatching the white downy chicks will be peeking above the sides of the nest. The young fledge by mid-April, but mom and dad will stick around to feed and teach them how to be owls on their own. By fall the chicks will be on their own for the most part.”
Throw a Party for Your Cardinals.
Our newest product: Cardinal Confetti is specifically crafted with 8 of cardinals’ favorite ingredients: Sunflower chips, safflower, black oil sunflower, NutraSaff, Bark Butter Bits, peanut halves, dried mealworms, striped sunflower and calcium carbonate - all rich in healthy fats, products for energy, feather development and calcium for egg production and healthy bones. It comes in loose seed, and cylinder forms. In addition, the newest feeders offer the perfect way for Cardinals to perch as they prefer to ‘sit to eat.’ Birds attracted to Cardinal Confetti are Northern Cardinals, most Woodpeckers, Towhees, Thrashers, Quail, Doves, Blue Jays, Finches, Bluebirds, Titmice, Nuthatches, Catbirds - and many more.
The Great Backyard Bird Count
As always, Wild Birds Unlimited is a proud sponsor of the Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC) which takes place February 14th-17th this year. We'll do our best to make sure you have everything you need to attract (food, feeders, birdbaths, nest boxes), view (binoculars), identify (books), and count the birds.
Find out more at
DSC Members:
Join us for Double Points Days February 13 - 15
Join the Daily Savings Club (DSC) any time to receive 15% off
bird food every day and earn points for Savings Coupons.
February 2025 Specials*
Bird Food Specials
All bird seed - 10% off
During Bird Food Sales, DSC Members receive 20% off bird food products.
Squirrel proof feeders - 20% off
And there's a 20% off coupon in our newsletter.
Click on the Newsletter box below!
*All Specials Expire February 28, 2025
Sign Up for WBU Spring Seminars
Call ahead 608-664-1414 to reserve your seat.
If interest is high, we will add the same seminar at 11:30 each day
All seminars are FREE and held at our WBU store.
Bluebirds of Wisconsin
Sat. Feb. 22nd, 10 am
Led by Pat Ready
Gardening for Wildlife
Sat. Mar. 15th, 10 am
Led by Molly Murray
Fire and Foraging
Sat. March 29th, 10am
Led by Vince Aiello
Sat. April 5th, 10 am
Led by Emma Raasch
Sat. April 12th, 10 am
Led by Kathi & Michael Rock
Watch for more Seminars coming soon.
Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!
February is National Bird Feeding Month
It's a perfect time to make sure you provide high fat content food to keep the birds warm and healthy.
Don't forget to fill your heated birdbath.